Friday, March 30, 2012

Health Care

I completely understand how reasonable, good-hearted, intelligent people can honestly differ on how to best provide universal health care.

But, I have never been able to understand, no matter how hard I try, how people who claim to be followers of the greatest healer the world has ever known can oppose universal health care.


  1. Perhaps they do not necessarily oppose universal health care, just the government control and administration of that health care. They are looking for other solutions to the problem. Because the government is not very good at that sort of thing.

  2. Great! What are those other solutions? When are they going to propose them? Even more important, if they are proposing some private solution to provide universal health care, then they don't need government approval! Just do it! So ... if they are just opposed to government-sponsored universal health care, but they want private universal health care, what's stopping them?
