Thursday, April 26, 2012

Impressions of Mitt Romney

I rarely make personal observations here, but I feel compelled to make this one.

I've been thinking about it for quite some time.

As I listen to and watch Mitt Romney, something seems a little off.  Not terrible, but enough that I notice.  I've been trying to put my finger on it, but until recently I haven't been able to.

A day or so ago, it hit me.

Mitt Romney is like the high school kid who is trying to be friends with the cool kids.  He's a little uncomfortable, and it shows.  He says things he thinks will make him sound cool, and they aren't bad, but everyone wonders, "Why did he say that?"  He doesn't quite stutter, but neither is he smooth.  He always seems just a little out of place.  Not enough so that it's terrible, but enough so that you can't help but notice and wonder, as I did, "What is it about him that doesn't quite fit?"

He is like the high school kid who is trying to be friends with the cool kids.

1 comment:

  1. That's so right! Great example. I just want to tell him to stop trying so hard. Accept that you are not cool - who cares, anyway?
